Political Issues


The American Page

We dedicate this site to American liberty and the ideals on which our great country was founded. We remember all who have lost their lives in wars both past and present fighting for our freedom.

Here you will find a place where this writer can discuss and promote good solid conservative American beliefs and ideals. So, all enjoy and obtain this writer's perspective on things! Visit Patrick's World to get a deeper insight into this writer's thoughts.

Yes I am a conservative who originally started this site during the contested election of 2000. However I see fit to make it a special point that PATRIOTISM IS BIPARTISAN. I consider myself united with Americans of all patriotic ideologies in support of our war on terrorism.


Sarah Palin

As part of a flock whose leader has been dead since June 2004, I watched John McCain become the Republican party's nominee for president. I admit I was not very excited about this campaign at the start. I figured I'd be voting for the lesser of two evils. I had no illusion about John McCain. I knew he was capable of stopping the bleeding and at best end the freefall into fiscal and social decline. But, we were still hungering for the leadership of the likes of an Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan.

Wandering leaderless in the political wilderness with the American ideal dying in the liberal onslaught made me question whether our best days were behind us. Then a beautiful woman with the right philosophy who shared my values was thrust into the limelight. And she was amazing. Watching the Republican party's vice presidential nominee give her speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention immediately brought to mind another "coming out" speech given for Barry Goldwater at the 1964 convention.

I went to Richmond International Raceway on Oct 13, 2008 and Deep Run High School Nov 1, 2008 to see her speak. Sarah Palin stepped up to the podium as tens of thousands were chanting "Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! I was one of them.

I saw the America I love. I saw my America, your America, Ronald Reagan's America. We were no longer alone. We had a leader again. Is Sarah Palin the next   Ronald Reagan? There will never be another Ronald Reagan, as there will never be another Abraham Lincoln. But I also know there will never be another Sarah Palin. I am convinced she is the next great one.

When I watch her speak, she has that same gift that Ronald Reagan had. She communicates "that thing" I haven't heard since Reagan. "That thing" I hear is my voice. It's my thoughts. It's my feelings. It's what I know and believe being spoken back to me in a way noone has ever been able to do since Reagan.

This is what Americans want their leaders to be like. We don't want candidates promising stuff they can't deliver or telling us what we want to hear to get our vote. We know what the deal is. We know what we're going through. We know how we feel. A great leader can genuinely tell it back to us the way it really is and in such a way that we know they not only get the deal, they embody it. We feel it when Sarah Palin is around. She's our voice.

Never before in history has a vice presidential candidate ever had this much of an effect on a presidential campaign. The selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate will have significant and profound effects on the future of our republic.

Bob and Mark Speak with Sarah Palin THE DAY AFTER she is nominated for VP
This is awesome. Sarah Palin had been on the Bob and Mark radio show on KWHL in Alaska as governor a few times before she was famous. These guys already knew and loved her the way we do now long before we even knew who she was. To hear everyone's excitement as they talk with each other is just incredible. Check out the audio, there's a surprise guest on there also.

Sarah Palin at Richmond International Raceway - Richmond, VA 10/13/08
"There's the world's standard of perfection, and then there are God's," Palin said, to cheers. "And these are the final measure, and every child is beautiful before God, and precious for their own sake."

Sarah Palin at Deep Run High School - Richmond, VA 11/01/08
She actually used the line "government is not the solution, it's the problem" and a few sentences later she reminded us that we can still be "that city on a shining hill again." She also mentioned Ronald Reagan's name as she has done in every rally speech she has delivered.

There can be no doubt that the leader we have yearned for is the one who speaks of the great one, quotes the great one and shares the ideology of the great one . I was in the presence of greatness that day in Richmond and that night in Glen Allen, VA. The void created after the passing of Ronald Reagan has now been filled.

We have a leader again. Sarah Palin is the next great one.

Visit Patrick's World for more political stuff


On 9/11/01, this writer went into work after the twin towers came down and told everyone in the office "let the bombing begin." While it took some time to get the logistics of the operation in place, it was exactly what this citizen requested. Our great president, George W. Bush approved of a military campaign of intensive bombing in Afghanistan of Taliban and terrorist targets. On 10/07/01, when the news broke, the flags waved and the celebration began at this writer's house. It is a celebration of freedom, and the willingness of this great nation to go to war to protect those freedoms.

While nothing will bring back the lives of those killed in the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11/01, a great giant has been awakened to answer the call: destroy terrorism and the nations that harbor it.

To keep it short and to the point, the President made 3 basic points with which noone can disagree with:

1. Osama bin Laden will be brought to justice. This is still a work in progress, but the goal will be achieved.

2. The economy will respond due to the resolve of the American people. It did.

3. This will be a long campaign, some aspects of which we are not familiar with since we've never seen this type of warfare before.

I wish the victims and their families hero status, and I wish for a complete and successful campaign to destroy the evil that caused this mess.

God bless the United States of America.




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